I had a great week in North Carolina mountain biking with my friend, Kim Thomas. While riding some pretty cool trails I would think about what I might write about in my blog, only to come back each night so exhausted that I was about as functional as a toddler past bedtime. Finally, after settling back into the routine at home, I have some time to blog about it. It's impossible to cover all the fun I had, but here are some things I learned whilst there.
Start of Women's Tandem Road Race |
1. Para-lympians are very awesome people. I watched the UCI Para Cycling Open in Greenville, South Carolina
(great recap here) with Kim and met some athletes that made a lasting impression on me. The race is open to anyone with defined disabilities such as blind or visually impaired, cerebral palsy, amputees, and wheelchair athletes. Some rode tandems as a stoker, handcycles which they propelled with their arms, or adapted bicycles which would allow them to shift and brake with one hand. The athletes competed against others who have the same type of disability. I was humbled by their level of commitment and I hope someday that I have half of the talent and ability that they have. The World Championships are happening on the same course next year, which will be some awesome racing to watch. Kudos to Mackenzie Woodring who pilots a tandem and had an awesome road race-she was on a solo break and working with her stoker, Kara for almost half of the race on a windy, technical course. It was impressive to watch!
2. You can have too much downhill. Kim was an awesome guide, she had ridden many of the trails before and had maps, food, water, and a camelpack that produced almost anything you
Kim Thomas, Guide Extraordinaire |
needed. She is part Dora the Explorer, part Harry Potter. One run that sticks out is the Greens Lick descent at Bent Creek that she promised was a blast. Greens Lick was an almost 2 mile descent over rock gardens, drops, roots, gravel, and berms. I love speed, but I rode this down with my brakes on the whole time, and by the end my hands and feet were killing me from standing, holding on with a death grip, and muscling through this stuff. Did we do it again? You bet we did. :) My average speed was about 12 mph, and I felt like I was just FLYING down this hill.
The top woman on Strava did it at 16 mph, the top guy 22. That is insane.
3. Don't get in Kim's way when she is hungry. We spent more time in the saddle this week than I ever have in my life, about 5-6 hours a day. Strava reports that I did about 20,000 feet of climbing and almost 200 miles of trails. After one six hour day, Kim proclaimed that she is starving, and we stopped at a great authentic Mexican place for dinner. Two fisted took on a new meaning as I watched Kim out of the corner of my eye rake in the tortilla chips. I didn't dare reach in for one until we (she) was on our second basket. Lots of riding does make food taste SO good though, doesn't it?
4. Always, always, always protect your phone. I wish I had a picture to demonstrate this spectacular fall-but other matters pressed us to act quickly and not take a picture. That is, my phone was under water. There was a small creek with some large stones placed across it as a bridge. The stones were not smoothly placed, and there was a gap of about 5 inches between the middle of them. Kim advised me to go through the middle of the gap. This is probably one of my
This is not the small creek I fell in-this is a big river that I did NOT fall in. Really. |
bigger fears- squeezing my tires through things like this, and instead of looking ahead like I am supposed too, I stared right at the gap in the rocks and so my tire hit the side of the rock and did not roll through, toppling me over to the right, and upside down into a creek. My bike was on top of me, and as I was laughing and calling for Kim's help to pull my bike off of me I was worried about my phone since I had just replaced it under warranty. I am pretty attached to my phone, and it did get wet, but it dried out and functioned fine, thankfully! I made sure to wrap it in plastic thereafter. There might not be a large body of water for miles, but leave it to me to fall into a tiny creek in the middle of nowhere. I got away with just some bruises on my back, but that fall did make me more wary when I was riding.
5. XX1 is shifting for dummies, perfect for me. This is the first go with the new 1x11 drivetrain, and it was awesome. The first day out there was some cable stretching, but once it was adjusted it ran perfectly. I was able to crawl up climbs with ease as well as put the speed on when I needed. Didn't have to worry about cross-chain issues, and let me think about other things like what line to take more and less about what gear to ride in.
Rat Snake! |
6. The mountains are full of life. After a looooong, dreary winter, it was great to see green grass, green leaves, flowering bushes, butterflies...anything with life. Sometimes we saw a little TOO
much life, as there was a 3 foot black rat snake on the trail one day. Kim was riding ahead going down a hill and was screaming something I couldn't make out. I slowed down though, and came up on this big ass snake on the trail. I stopped because I didn't know if it would lunge up and bite me as I went by, and I threw a stick at it to get it to move off the trail. It didn't budge. I got off my bike and began to move into the woods and go around and then he decided to move the other way. He was moving pretty slowly and didn't seem to care too much about me, so that was good! On our last day we rode some pretty technical trails in Pisgah, which felt more remote and it was the first time I wondered about bears...luckily we did not run across any.
Willow TT, thanks to Scott Kroske for the photo! |
7. There's always time to squeeze in one more race. As much as I hated to leave the warm weather and mountains, I had heard weather up north was getting better, so that made it easier. I also really missed my family and needed to get back to work so it was time to head back. But first, on Saturday there was the Willow Time Trial, the first Michigan Bicycling Racing Association Series race. I stopped on the drive back with Kim and she was going to ride tandem with Mackenzie. I was worried about how my legs would do after the long week of riding and then sitting in the car for 12 hours, but turns out they were fine as I got first in my age group, second overall woman. Getting on a TT bike after mountain biking all week felt pretty weird! But I have to say I love the TT races. It is awesome to go so fast on a bike. I think I'm hooked!
8. You can not ride your bike too much! Just had to say again that I had a great time, it was one of my best vacations ever. Thanks again to Kim who invited me and showed me some great trails. She is one non-stop girl that I could barely keep up with, on and off the bike. I can't wait to go back!